At Hatcher School of Ministry, you’ll learn how you were uniquely created and in what capacity of ministry you are most effective. So, when you go out to impact the world, between your spirit, body and mind, you’re firing on all cylinders—affecting the greatest change for Christ. Dr. Hatcher specializes in the development of embryonic and mature ministry gifts, pastors, and missionaries.
Those who are truly hungry for God, can participate in training, equipping, reaching, imparting, and releasing the power, anointing, and the knowledge of God in a structured training center environment, as well as our online learning curriculum and school of ministry. We also provide an educational environment with emphasis of academic excellence in conjunction with OJT, On the Job Training to provide an excellent vehicle for practical training in relevant ministry.
.Live Out Your Calling Empowered by God's Grace!
Live your life with a greater closeness to God and grow in your intimacy with Him. We’ll help you achieve that through teaching, discipleship, hands-on ministry training, accountability, and community.
Discover God's divine blueprint for your life. Get activated in your spiritual gifts through our Ministry Courses and get one-on-one personalized coaching so you can narrow the focus of your Calling
Not many spiritual leaders recognize the truth that the same God who set *spiritual laws in motion, ALSO authored *natural laws-- LAWS that govern every natural, physical thing (*including the natural, physical body). By the grace of God, not only does Pastor Howard truly have an advanced understanding of *both, but keeps them in proper context, and presents each with a just balance. His delivery of Principles in the Word builds, and *establishes understanding and promotes growth in faith. I am blessed to be a part of IOMTC, and to be under the leadership of this man of God.
Pastor Howard's teachings and trainings have greatly affected my personal growth- not just spiritually, but in every area of my life. These life changing teachings has pulled me to higher levels in God, which has enhanced my ability to lead and mentor according to God's precepts and principles.
Pastor Howard's ministry has increased my growth and development causing my pursuit of God to become more intentional. His messages go deep into the word of God and he explains it thoroughly with sound biblical doctrine as the foundation. A greater and deeper understanding of the five-fold ministry, as well as the laws that govern the kingdom of God has been given to me since attending IOMTC. Living according to God's laws has become a lifestyle, and my growth continues with every message and class.
Pastor Howard is the quintessential expert and master marksman in wielding the word of God and walking in God’s wisdom, but the essence of why I love my Pastor and trust him, is that he is training God’s people to reach God’s apex in their unique gifts and calling by rightly dividing the word of truth and applying it to our conduct, character and conversation and bringing the reign of God’s Government to whomsoever will.
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